Saturday, January 28, 2017

Speaking Out: A Few Thoughts on Democracy

I have heard a lot of comments about protestors in the last few weeks. Comments like, “It’s getting old, enough already” or “What is the point?” Some people think that protestors are just being whiny or sore losers. 

I respectfully disagree.

Here’s the thing: part of what makes our country great, no matter who is in charge and despite what the current rhetoric is, is the idea of "We the People." We, the citizens, still have power to make change. Our votes count, our voices count, if for no other reason than because those currently in office need our votes to stay there. 

That’s still how it works: we vote for a representative, and if he or she fails to represent us, next time we vote for someone else. I think our system, though not perfect, is a good one. If our politicians want to keep whatever power they have, they have to listen to their constituents. They have to listen to US.

When we the people make our voices heard, through protests and marches, social media, and our votes, politicians are listening. And if they think they need to distance themselves from the White House or it's policies to stay in office or retain their power, many of them will...eventually.
So I am proud of all the women and men out there making their voices heard and standing up for what they believe in. I hope that we will continue to speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves. I stand beside my brothers and sisters crying out against the banning of refugees, the suppression of truth, and the opposition of the free press. I am thankful that I live in a country where individual and collective voices are valued.

And to those who wonder why we march or tweet or post or call our Congressmen, it’s is because we still believe in checks and balances, democracy, and justice for all. And we still have hope that our voices will make change. 

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